A curated list of free resources pertaining to debility, disability (including neurodivergence), disability history, disability rights, Disability Justice, accessibility and other pertinent tools. We are forever adding to these resources, this is a living and ongoing project. If you are reading this with a screen reader, the following list located below is hyperlinked and in alphabetical order with hashtags located at the bottom. 

Do you have suggestions of content to add? Updated links? Anything else? Please contact us below, would love to hear from you.

The A. B. C. of Mediums Stuttered by Bryan Castro

Ableism in Academia by Nicole Brown and Jennifer Leigh

Access Guide

Access Intimacy by Mia Mingus

Access Toolkit For Artworkers

Access Washing by Stacey Milbern

Accessibility in the Arts: A Promise and a Practice by Carolyn Lazard

Accessible PDFS — How To



Aestheticizing The Stutter by Tyrone Williams

Alterlivability by Aimi Hamraie

Alt Text as Poetry by Bojana Coklyat and Finnegan Shannon

Alt Text Selfies by Bojana Coklyat, Finnegan Shannon and Olivia Dreisinger

The Art of Access: Innovative Protests of an Inaccessible City by Elizabeth F. Emens

Autism and Disability in Nazi Vienna

Autism and Race

Autism Wiki

Black Disability Justice Syllabus by Sins Invalid

Black Disabled Creatives

Black Disabled Woman Syllabus by Vilissa K Thompson

Black Neurodiversity

Black Neurodiversity — Navigating Higher Education by Ben-Oni

Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction by Sami Schalk

Bookshare — Accessible Book Platform

Bookshare Discount for Individuals ("Bookshare is free for all US college and graduate students with qualifying disabilities")

A Brief History of Disability in Horror by Kristen Lopez

Can Britney Spears Vote?: Mental Disability and Suffrage by Olivia Dreisinger

Care In Uncertain Times Syllabus

Censorship of Marginalized Communities on Instagram

Center for Liberatory Practices and Poetry

Clawee by The White Pube

The Clearing by JJJJJerome Ellis

Colonial Forces of Environmental Violence on Deaf, Disabled, & Ill Indigenous People by Jen Deerinwater

Contrast Ratio Checking (one of many, use any)

A Conversation with TL Lewis: Understanding the Intersection of Disability, Ableism, Racism, & Anti-Blackness

Crip Cinema Archive

Crip Crash Course by Sins Invalid

Crip Negativity by J. Logan Smilges

Crip News by Kevin Gotkin

Crip Technoscience Manifesto

Critical Creative Corrective Cacophonous Comical: Closed Captions by Emily Watlington

Critical Design Lab



Deaf Poets Society

The Debt-Ceiling Fight’s Collateral Damage By E. Tammy Kim

A Decolonial Feminist Epistemology of the Bed: A Compendium Incomplete of Sick and Disabled Queer Brown Femme Bodies of Knowledge by Tala Khanmalek and Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes

Design Justice Network

Diagnosis Grad School by Olivia Dreisinger

Digital Care Package (On Grief) by Design Justice Network

Disability Dongle by Liz Jackson, Alex Haagaard, Rua Williams

Disability Futures

Disability In Horror Films

Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader by Jos Boys

Disability Visibility Project by Alice Wong

Disease Fund Finder

Dollar For — Get Relief From Hospital Bills (Free Resource)

Drag Syndrome

Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability In American Culture and Literature by Rosemary Garland Thomson

The Fashion Empire Built on Stolen Ideas by Liz Jackson and Rua Williams

Field Funds by A Blade of Grass

Flight School by Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo

Flight School Transcript by Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo
(script for access purposes only—please no publishing of this text without permission from Lukaza)

Fragrance Free Femme of Colour Genius by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

The Gallaudet Eleven


Generate Your Own Insurance Appeal by Holden Karau

The Girl, The Well, The Ring by Zefyr Lisowski

Goblin Tools

Graythorn’s Ko-fi

Health Justice Commons

Heavy Air

Hedva's Disability Access Rider by Johanna Hedva

How NYC Drag Queens Revolutionized Queer Healthcare by Daniel Villarreal

How Society Forces Autistics to Become Inhibited and Passive by Dr. Devon Price

iAmerica Immigrant Resources Know Your Rights

In Defense of Autistic Trans Self-Determination by Cyrée Jarelle Johnson and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

It’s Time To Listen To Black Disabled People by Vilissa K Thompson

Index Palestine

“I Was There” ADAPT 25

Jobs Grants Gigs Residencies + Channel on Instagram (as run by Emily Sara) 

Kiva Centers

Know Your Rights App by NAKASEC

Let’s Sick Dance by Dia Dear

The Links Between Disability and Domestic Violence

Lupus As an Operating System by Cyrée Jarelle Johnson

Making Disability an Essential Part of American History

Mapping Access Toolkit by Aimi Hamraie and Critical Design Lab

Medical Abuse Hotline

Moral Panics in Government-Funded Accessibility by Blake Reid

My Body Is A Prison Of Pain So I Want To Leave It Like A Mystic But I Also Love It & Want It To Matter Politically by Johanna Hedva

Neither Settler Nor Native by Mahmood Mamdani

Non-Carceral Mental Health, Care, Support and Learning Resources by Dandelion Hill

Open Dyslexic Font

Open Source Wheelchairs

Organization Means Commitment by Grace Lee Boggs

Outline For A Disability Critique of Property by David Gissen

Overmanic Zines

Painwise by Olivia Dreisinger

Palestine is Disabled

The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive

Parallels Between Prisons and Psychiatry

Pay Rate For Access Workers Now (PRAWN) by Alison Kopit and Madison Zalopany

Pay Rate For Access Workers Now (PRAWN) by Alison Kopit and Madison Zalopany hosted by cripple

The Peoples CDC

Personal and Intimate Care New Module by Open Future Learning

Pods and Pod Mapping Worksheet by Mia Mingus

Post-Internet Literature: Alt-Text by Olivia Dreisinger

Psychiatry Negated: Conflict and the Culture of Resistance in Italy and Brazil by S.W. Warren

Queering the Map

Queer Solidarity with Palestine: Resource Guide

The Radical Accessibility of Video Art (For Hearing People) by Emily Watlington

Repro Legal Defense Fund

Reshaping Beauty: Review of Tobin Siebers's Disability Aesthetics (2010) by Nicholas Hetrick

Resilience Journal Free Download by Yo-Yo Lin

Rethinking Residences Symposium

The Right To Maim by Jasbir Puar

Score for X by Kevin Gotkin

Sensory Shift: A Disability Arts Residency

Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native by Patrick Wolfe

Sick Building Syndrome by Michelle Murphy

Sick Time, Sleepy Time, Crip Time by Taraneh Fazeli

Sick Woman Theory (Revised 2019 version) by Johanna Hedva

Sins Invalid

Skin, Tooth and Bone: A Disability Justice Primer by Sins Invalid (not free but critical reading so it’s included)

SPACE To Stutter

A Stuttering Pride Flag

Subway Art for Palestine Project

Taking Over The Asylum: Critical psychiatry, Franco Basaglia and social struggle by John Foot

Teacher Letter For Students Who Stutter

Timeline of the Medical Industrial Complex

Toolkit for cooperative, collective, and collaborative cultural work by Press Press

Trans Lifeline

Triage for People of the Salt

Undue Medical Debt Guide For Navigating Medical Bills

Unmasking as a Black Neurodivergent Employee by Nancy Doyle

Web Accessibility Initiative

What Cannot Be Held by Toby MacNutt

What Kind of Mother (documentary on maternal suicide) by Olivia Dreisinger 

When The World Isn't Designed For Our Bodies by Katy Waldman

Where Will We Make Our Burial? by Kimi Hanauer

White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun

Working Definition of Ableism by Talila Lewis

Wynne Newhouse Awards

What Kind of Mother (documentary on suicide) by Olivia Dreisinger

Why Palestinian Liberation Is Disability Justice by Alice Wong

W3 Free Course On Digital Accessibility

The Yarrow Collective




#StaceyTaughtUs Syllabus — Work by Stacey Park Milbern

© 2025 cripple, Emily Sara

Cripple was founded in twenty twenty by Emily Sara —
Cripple is a publishing initiative and is an extention of her very hybridized practice. Emily is a queer, neurodivergent, disabled, artist, designer, writer and alt educator.

Code support for this website has been provided by Mariah Barden Jones who is available for design work and can be found at

Original logo design of cripple was created by Mia Navarro, established in twenty twenty. Mia is also available for design work and can be found at
Image description, alt text embedded: The cripple logo. It is of a neon green rectangle with a thick, bold letter C in the middle. The letter is very wobbly and has breaks in it's stroke, like two mouths coming ouf of it's ends. It is reminiscent of the original cripple logo by disabled designer, Mia Navarro in that it feels a bit eerie and unsettling. The word cripple is adjacent to the bottom right of the letter c.
Image description, alt text embedded: The first iteration of the cripple logo of 2020. It is of a neon green rectangle with black, thin and wonky lettering that spells out the word cripple. It was designed by Mia Navarro and feels a bit eerie and unsettling. The letters were created using steel wire, photography, and digital drawing.